Welcome Libra Season!

Between September 23rd to October 23rd, we find ourselves ruled by Venus, the planet of love and connection. Libra is symbolized by the scales, guiding us towards balance and harmony. This season is all about aesthetic pleasures and a fair dose of good energy, so don’t be surprised if beautiful moments feel as present as falling Autumn leaves.

 This is a welcome refresh, as the first day of Libra season marks the end of Mercury retrograde. It may feel easier to organize, communicate, and be present. Also, to reflect: what might have the chaotic moments taught you? A solar eclipse arrives on October 14th, giving us a bit of positive momentum and challenging us to harmonize the parts of our lives that might feel opposing.

 Food vibes this season: As autumn rolls through, use this as a time to gather. Bundle up with spiced treats – cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger to keep your cheeks flushed. Enjoy the foliage, maybe even some pumpkin spice. Social connection is in the air, so whatever you do -- make sure to toast with eye contact.

This Scorpio season your ability to change is getting pushed to the limit. The planet of daring and action, Mars, is back in his home sign of Scorpio and he’s feeling spicy. Mars is the planetary ruler of the sign Scorpio; this stationing is like a warrior returning home to a well-stocked armory. There’s a delicate balance between pushing the limits and pushing boundaries. With a lunar eclipse—a force of dramatic, yet gradual change that you can look back on as turning points—capping things off at the end of the season, it’s all about knowing when to step into your power and when to step back out of it. The sun’s journey through the more-pressurized-than-usual depths of Scorpio this season sets the stage for re-evaluating your relationships this winter. 

Welcome Libra Season!

Between September 23rd to October 23rd, we find ourselves ruled by Venus, the planet of love and connection. Libra is symbolized by the scales, guiding us towards balance and harmony. This season is all about aesthetic pleasures and a fair dose of good energy, so don’t be surprised if beautiful moments feel as present as falling Autumn leaves.

 This is a welcome refresh, as the first day of Libra season marks the end of Mercury retrograde. It may feel easier to organize, communicate, and be present. Also, to reflect: what might have the chaotic moments taught you? A solar eclipse arrives on October 14th, giving us a bit of positive momentum and challenging us to harmonize the parts of our lives that might feel opposing.

 Food vibes this season: As autumn rolls through, use this as a time to gather. Bundle up with spiced treats – cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger to keep your cheeks flushed. Enjoy the foliage, maybe even some pumpkin spice. Social connection is in the air, so whatever you do -- make sure to toast with eye contact.


March 21 - April 19

This month, you might find collaboration calling to you. Your perspective on partnership is changing, imbued with some new energy and wisdom. How do you see your relationships growing? Who are you coming to rely on? Trust fall into those people, and let them hold you up.

This month finds you energized, Aries, enjoying what feels like a fresh start at the end of August. Still, the wind down into the coming season might feel a bit dreary. Don’t be surprised if, towards the end of September, you find yourself a bit startled at the slower pace. Even if things feel abrupt, trust that you’ll settle in.


May 21 - June 20

Take care of things entrusted to you and clean up your own messes.

This month is all about self-expression for you, Gemini. If there’s a creative concept you’ve been working with or something you’ve been meaning to say, this season is the perfect opportunity. With social energy buzzing around you, use friends and loved ones as a sounding board.

Your brain is zooming this season, Gemini, electric, and engaged. While this summer has found you buzzing socially, you might find your vibe this Virgo season to be in the realm of your own creativity and projects. See where this energy takes you.


April 20 - May 20

This season, you engage in the ritual of routine. How are you taking care of yourself? Any practice that you’ve been wanting to incorporate, but haven’t found the right time to? This is a moment where trying new systems of wellness will serve you greatly. Mix, match, and see what works.


June 21 - July 22

Get cozy, Cancer! This season is all about nesting for you. Where Virgo season might have been asking you to produce, Libra season asks you to settle in. Spend extra time caring for your home space, planting seeds of comfort for winter.

You’ll likely feel the impulse to get grounded this season, Cancer, and dig your feet into some stability. You’ll find some insight and your own watery way, around the August 30th full moon in Pisces. Carve space out in your schedule for witnessing what clarity comes.


July 23 - August 22

What do you have to say for yourself, Leo? This season finds you passing through the realm of communication. Now that Mercury has stationed direct, it’s a great time to get clear on what you’ve learned and wanted to share. Conversation flow, though usually rapid for you, will feel even more natural. For added bonus, write things down.

Even though you’ll miss your own season, Leo, this one holds promise too. Instead of hot summer celebrations like last month, you’ll find quieter celebrations in seeing what the coming months hold. Now is the moment to deal with the practical tasks you put off this summer so that you can reap the rewards to come.


August 23 - September 22

While your birthday season may have passed, Virgo, you’ll find some welcome rest and reset this Libra season. This is a great opportunity to take stock, with a measure of fairness, of how you measure success. What does the year hold for you, and how do you qualify your achievements? Asking these questions now will help accentuate the milestones as you meet them.

Happy birthday, Virgo! Welcome to your season. Practical, nurturing, and sympathetic, yours is a sign that does so much behind the scenes. This is the moment that you get the credit you deserve, the sun illuminating your grounded, patient nature. Having harvested the bounty of your labor, you get to shine!

While there is a Mercury retrograde this month, use it as an opportunity to communicate as directly as possible how you want your celebrations to look and feel. Use the full moon on August 30th to harness the emotions of all that you’ve accomplished this Summer, and the new moon in your sign on September 14th to release it all.


September 23 - October 21

Happy birthday, dear Libra! Welcome to your buoyant, beautiful season. Use this time to synch up in celebration and marvel at the beauty that you create around you.

This season signifies a fresh start for you. After the preparation and planning of Virgo season, you’ve put in the work for a clear, light vision ahead. Use the Solar Eclipse on October 14th to shed extra light on what you want to dream up. Enjoy!

Happy birthday, dear Libra! Welcome to your buoyant, beautiful season. Use this time to synch up in celebration and marvel at the beauty that you create around you.

This season signifies a fresh start for you. After the preparation and planning of Virgo season, you’ve put in the work for a clear, light vision ahead. Use the Solar Eclipse on October 14th to shed extra light on what you want to dream up. Enjoy!


October 22 - November 21

As the days get shorter in the Northern Hemisphere, Scorpio, you locate some useful structure in your days. Routine feels like a relief. There’s a different feeling to this time – something a little more stable, grounded, and energized. Enjoy it.

As the days get shorter in the Northern Hemisphere, Scorpio, you locate some useful structure in your days. Routine feels like a relief. There’s a different feeling to this time – something a little more stable, grounded, and energized. Enjoy it.


November 22 - December 21

This season is about manifestation for you, Sagittarius. Not in an esoteric way, but in a practical one. What is the game plan that you’ve been building for your life? You’ve sketched out the blueprints – now it’s time to build.

This season is about manifestation for you, Sagittarius. Not in an esoteric way, but in a practical one. What is the game plan that you’ve been building for your life? You’ve sketched out the blueprints – now it’s time to build.


December 22 - January 19

This season finds you noticed, Capricorn. You might find more energy in your spheres of career and public image. Don’t be surprised if the behind-the-scenes work you’ve been putting in gets noticed. This will be specially illuminated by the Solar Eclipse on October 14th.

This season finds you noticed, Capricorn. You might find more energy in your spheres of career and public image. Don’t be surprised if the behind-the-scenes work you’ve been putting in gets noticed. This will be specially illuminated by the Solar Eclipse on October 14th.


January 20 - February 18

Something’s shifted for you, Aquarius, and it’s exciting. When you take a look at your life’s landscape, what is the new ecosystem that has developed? What is getting stirred up, activating a sense of adventure? Now is the time to let yourself get carried away by something.Adventure is calling, Aquarius, and you’d be wise to answer. This season, don’t be surprised if a surprising new journey presents itself. Even if this might not have been the plan, rest assured what comes your way is meant for you.

Adventure is calling, Aquarius, and you’d be wise to answer. This season, don’t be surprised if a surprising new journey presents itself. Even if this might not have been the plan, rest assured what comes your way is meant for you.


February 19 - March 20

This season is all about exchange for you, Pisces. Though your network might be shifting, likely you’re zooming in on some key relationships that deserve your attention. What do you give, and what do you get in return? Exercise trust and let your watery nature carry you with the current.

This season is all about exchange for you, Pisces. Though your network might be shifting, likely you’re zooming in on some key relationships that deserve your attention. What do you give, and what do you get in return? Exercise trust and let your watery nature carry you with the current.

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